One step from eden preview
One step from eden preview


Unfortunately, the game is mostly about learning through experience which can lead to a ton of confusion. Of course, being that I am still learning the ins and outs of One Step From Eden, there’s much I don’t know about the higher-level strategies. Aside from that, one also learns that keeping a deck lean and focused can optimize damage output, so knowing when to skip taking an item becomes a part of the strategy.

one step from eden preview


This was also a feature of the Mega Man Battle Network series but here in One Step From Eden, it is almost a mandatory move to get through the later stages. Those who play for longer periods of time will start to notice a few subtle mechanics, such as being able to hop through attacks with proper timing. There are lots of possibilities and experimenting is highly encouraged since death is so frequent but the game can be quickly restarted. However, when I eventually got Hazel, an engineer with a wrench that adds shields to structures, I focused entirely on using turrets and shield generators to turtle in a corner. This works great for the first character Saffron whose first basic attack is a rapid-fire blast that can be held down and maintained while moving. One of my favorite builds involves getting cards focused on generating kunai, which builds a pile of ammo that can be machine-gunned into foes.

one step from eden preview

Spells are sorted by type and they do fall into a lot of interesting builds. Things get hectic quick in One Step From Eden.Īfter just about every fight, players usually get to choose between a few spells to take with them or they can opt-out of taking them entirely to keep decks leaner. Every single move is precious and though the player also has plenty of health for making mistakes, not paying attention can shred heroes into ribbons in seconds. This is due to the constant, acute attention that One Step From Eden demands. Characters have hit points well around a thousand pretty early on and even the strongest attacks only do about 300 damage so fights can feel like they last forever, even when they are actually pretty quick. The basics of the game’s combat involve keeping an eye on enemy projectiles and attacks while tossing out various spells and using basic attacks to keep up the pressure. After about ten or so runs, I got my first new character and with nine total to unlock and lots of variants to acquire, I was hooked. Once a run is over, those character levels are pumped into an overall level which slowly unlocks new spells, artifacts, characters, and costumes. During a run, characters level up and gain new spells and artifacts. Thankfully, progress feels steady in One Step From Eden.

one step from eden preview

Due to not watching many others play, I actually don’t know what lies at the end of that road.


Through over 30 hours of playtime, I only made it to the sixth area, just above halfway to reaching the final trial of the run. These encounters slowly build to absolute insanity that feels similar to playing a bullet hell game. Players take control of a character and fight through a broken world to reach Eden but the adventure is fraught with peril as every single encounter poses a substantial challenge. Things could get pretty tough too, especially bosses.īuilding from that foundation, One Step From Eden focuses on those battles and wraps them in a roguelike structure. Deeper than that, MegaMan.exe was able to dodge various attacks through quick movement and pattern recognition. Players get a basic attack but the most effective moves come from the chips that are arranged like a deck of cards. That battle system involved the player hopping from square to square in a grid with one side being for the player and the other being for the enemies. One Step From Eden owes much of its design from the Mega Man Battle Network series, an RPG spin-off with a unique battle system.

one step from eden preview

That said, there are a few glaring issues that keep it from being truly excellent. While I find it pretty bare visually and often overly tough, I have a hard time putting it down once I start a session. One Step From Eden sits mostly in the mechanically pleasing category for me. These are games driven by their unique mechanics and the gameplay loops that define them. Games that fall into that category for me include Tetris, Doom Eternal, Binding of Issaac, Bloodborne, and Monster Hunter World just to name a few. I consider games like this to be mechanically pleasing. These are the sort of games that are usually challenging but fair, deep and mysterious, but also simple enough to play for short bursts and typically there are lots of things to unlock or elements that change up each session. When it comes to games that last, complex and well-designed mechanics can keep players coming back for more years after release.

One step from eden preview